Linka's recipes

Linka Hoareau or «the art of cooking fish everyday». Linka is married to a long time fisherman and therefore she is used to cook all the Seychellois fish since a long time. Snappers, job fish, groupers... they have no secrets to her and she knows how to prepare them daily or for special occasions. Her recipe of oven grilled red snapper is renowned by all the family and friends. Depending on the taste of the guests or familiars, she knows how to incorporate chili to the delight of everyone. Seychellois loves their dishes well spiced compared to Europeans who prefers a slightly sweet texture. To conclude, the food is prepare in accordance to the guests preference.
Oven grilled red snapper by Linka
Ingredients :

- One medium size red snapper (scored diagonally on both sides)
- Sunflower oil (half a cup)
- Soya sauce (heavy or light)
- 2 onions (grated)
- 1 clove of garlic (crushed)
- A moderate size ginger (crushed)
- 15-20 hot red chili
- 2 medium sized star fruit (bitter taste)
- Tomato paste
- Salt
- Pepper
- 3 lemons (sliced in wedges)
- 1 cup of warm water
The recipe :

- Preheat the oven at 200 degrees.
- In a bowl mix together the following ingredients : grated onions, crushed garlic and ginger, grated star fruit, salt and pepper.
- Add the soya sauce (if light add one tablespoon, if heavy only a teaspoon), a teaspoon of tomato paste and the juices from the lemon wedges.
- Season the fish with the mixed ingredients and place on baked surface.
- Pour over the fish the oil and the warm water.
- Place the fish in the oven and cook 20 minutes on each side.
- Serve with warm rice salad or chutney.
Bouyon bred with carangue (cabbage can be replaced by spinach)
Ingredients :
- 6 pieces of carangue
- Two small Chinese cabbage plants (washed and cut in small pieces)
- 2 medium tomatoes
- 1 onion (thinly sliced)
- Sunflower Oil (1 cup)
- 1 small ginger (crushed)
- 4 cloves of garlic (crushed0
- Salt
- Pepper
- 1 Maggie cube (for aroma)
- 1 liter of warm water
The recipe :
- Lightly season the pieces of fish with salt and pepper.
- Heat up one cup of oil in a pan and fry the fish till brown.
- Remove and reserve.
- In a pan add three tablespoon of oil, the sliced onions, tomatoes, crushed ginger and garlic.
- Stir fry for 2 minutes.
- Add the fish, shredded Chinese cabbage and stir.
- Pour in the water, add the Maggie cube and half a teaspoon of salt.
- Cover and let simmer for ten minutes.
- Remove from heat and serve warm with rice or separately.